out for blood

seeking revenge


out for blood = sich (gewaltsam) rächen wollen; Blut sehen wollen --- GOOGLE INDEX out for blood: approximately 470,000 Google hits



The media was OUT FOR BLOOD over our fundraising practices.

(The Guardian)

"At least Democrats could see how [Hilary Clinton] performs under pressure from politicians who are OUT FOR BLOOD."


Did you

out for blood

- be set on getting revenge

(Oxford Dictionary)

In a fight, blood will usually flow from a hard hit to the mouth. The figurative sense of the phrase "out for blood" means someone is seeking to attack someone or find revenge through a fight.

In other words, to cause harm or injury in the same way as the person feels harmed or injured. You can also be "after someone's blood".

Even if you can't stand the sight of blood, you can listen for the word "blood" in other expressions:

- get blood out of a stone = do something thought impossible (Getting Martin to agree is like getting blood out of a stone.)

- blood is thicker than water = relatives are more important than acquaintances (John's niece got the job instead of me. Blood is thicker than water.)

- in your blood = to have natural skill (He can speak German perfectly. Languages must be in his blood).


get even, go for the jugular, punish, fight hard, fight back, pay back, settle the score

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Following the emissions scandal, VW's investors are out for blood."

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