Over the Counter


OTC = (Abbk. für over-the-counter), rezeptfrei, außerbörslich --- GOOGLE INDEX OTC: approximately 81,000,000 Google hits



Acetaminophen is a common ingredient in OTC medications used by millions of people to relieve their pain.

(PR Newswire)

Wal-mart claims to have been an OTC stock in 1970 before going on to become one of America's biggest and best known companies.


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OTC (over-the-counter)

- available to buy from a store without a prescription (medicine)

- bought and sold directly with a computer system instead of on the stock market (finance)

(Cambridge Dictionary)

The adjective "over-the-counter," also referred to as OTC, is used in the pharmaceutical and stock market industries.

OTC drugs are medicines sold directly to a consumer without a prescription from a physician. In many countries, OTC drugs are selected by a regulatory agency to ensure that they have ingredients that are safe and effective when used without a physician's care.

In the finance world, OTC refers to stocks that trade via a dealer network as opposed to on a centralized exchange. It also refers to debt securities and other financial instruments such as derivatives, which are traded through a dealer network.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"There are a lot of OTC medicines that can help relieve cold and flu symptoms."

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