on the fast track

to be on a course leading rapidly to a goal


on the fast track = auf der Überholspur, auf der Schnellspur --- GOOGLE INDEX fast track: approximately 30,000,000 Google hits



As the original Twitter CEO, a co-founder and now the interim CEO, Dorsey is ON THE FAST TRACK to replace Costolo.

(International Business Times)

Syrian refugees can take a FAST TRACK to a new life in Sweden

(Business Insider magazine)

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on the fast track

- to be on a course leading to rapid advancement or change

(American Heritage Dictionary)

The expression "on the fast track" stems from the sport of horse racing and alludes to a racetrack that is dry and very hard, which enables horses to run at high speeds. Figuratively speaking it generally refers to a rapid way to achieve something. The verb form is to "fast track," which is to make something happen quicker and/or with less effort.

Fast track is also used as an adjective to describe accelerated approaches like fast-track construction (expedited home and office building method), fast-track surgery (an approach aimed at discharging surgery patients from the hospital as soon as possible), fast-track promotion (a quick career path) and fast-track legislation (especially in the US, a way to get laws passed with minimal bureaucracy).

For those who are not necessarily on the fast track, maybe they are simply "on the right track," which means doing something well or the correct way, or they could be "on the wrong track," which of course is the opposite. A similar expression is "on track," which refers to being on schedule or as planned (She is on track to getting her Master's degree).


(verb: to go faster)

accelerate, advance, cut the red tape, facilitate, grease the wheels, hasten, promote, speed up

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Our company is on the fast track to becoming market leader."

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