on a crusade

taking forceful action


(be/go) on a crusade = zu Felde ziehen --- GOOGLE INDEX on a crusade: approximately 30,700,000 Google hits



"I’m not ON A CRUSADE against bacon sandwiches"

(Kerry McCarthy, MP for Bristol East / The Yorkshire Post)

Brooklynn's parents are ON A CRUSADE to save other children and families from their pain.

(FOX News)

Did you

on a crusade

- to make a long and determined attempt to achieve something that you believe in strongly

(Cambridge Dictionary)

The word "crusade" comes from the Latin Crux, or cross, and is influenced also by Spanish cruzar, "take up the cross".

Beginning in the late 11th century, Western Christians followed a call by Pope Urban II to help the military to take back the Holy Land from Muslim control. An army of knights, soldiers and common people marched together to fight for and recapture Jerusalem in particular.

Those who took part in the armed pilgrimage sewed a cross made of red cloth on their clothing. A series of eight Crusades were carried out for the following 200 years. The Muslims fought to keep the land that was also religiously significant to them. Their holy war is called "jihad".

Since the Middle Ages, the word "crusade" has been used to refer to any drive that is fought energetically. These campaigns traditionally have had a religious motivation, but may also include political, social or cultural justification.

To "go on a crusade" means to take up a cause and do everything in your power to turn it into reality.


campaign, drive, movement, cause, push, jihad

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Don't print out the report! Management is on crusade against paper documents."

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