
food with added vitamins or minerals


nutraceuticals = funktionelle Lebensmittel, angereicherte Lebensmittel --- GOOGLE INDEX nutraceuticals: approximately 4,300,000 Google hits



Manufacturers, importers and distributors of NUTRACEUTICALS, herbal or homeopathic remedies, traditional treatments and dietary supplements will be subject to much tighter regulation with the passage of the Natural Health Products Bill.


The company's subsidiary develops NUTRACEUTICALS and products that address neurological disorders and conditions like Alzheimer's disease.

(Financial News Network)

Did you


- a food to which vitamins, minerals or drugs have been added to make it healthier

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

American food writer Calvin Triller once said, "Health food makes me sick." The market for "healthy food" is nonetheless huge. But how do you define healthy? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says "healthy-labeled food must provide at least 10 percent of one or more of vitamins A or C, iron, calcium, protein, or fiber."

Thanks to science and technology, many of the substances in foods that provide health benefits can now be isolated and either sold in medicinal form or added to foods to make them healthier. Think of it as food doping. This is basically what nutraceuticals are. The term derives from "nutritive" + "pharmaceutical" and was first used in the early 90s.

The website defines nutraceuticals as "a food or part of a food that allegedly provides medicinal or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. A nutraceutical may be a naturally nutrient-rich or medicinally active food, such as garlic or soybeans, or it may be a specific component of a food, such as the omega-3 fish oil that can be derived from salmon and other cold-water fish."

It's interesting to note that uses the adjective "allegedly" (without proof). Unlike pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals are not regulated in most countries. This makes it difficult to find reliable information regarding the proven health benefits of some nutraceuticals. At the end of the day, perhaps we should just heed this anonymous advice: "Never trust a skinny cook."

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Nutraceuticals can be an expensive exercise with non-proven health benefits."

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