
a doctor who works during the night


nocturnist = Arzt in einer Klinik, der sich ausschließlich nachts um Patienten kümmert --- GOOGLE INDEX nocturnist: approximately 350,000 Google hits



Hospitals hope that by bringing a NOCTURNIST onboard, they will take pressure off the rest of the group, letting them work fewer nights and providing more flexibility in scheduling.


How to find and keep dedicated NOCTURNIST


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- a hospital-based doctor who only works overnight


Nocturnist is a relatively new term. It combines "nocturnal", having to do with the night, with the suffix "ist", which is used to indicate a person who practices, is concerned with or has certain principle about something (e.g. a cardiologist, a heart doctor).

The idea behind the nocturnist stems from over-filled emergency rooms in larger hospitals in the evening, where some patients have to wait for hours to be treated because the hospital has fewer staff available than during the day. The nocturnist basically handles patients with non-life-threatening conditions, which helps relieve the emergency room of its workload in the evening and early morning hours.

Aman D. Sabharwal, a physician at a hospital in Miami, Florida, says this concept has several advantages:

"Nocturnism is not only advantageous to the hospital and patients, but also to the nocturnist. Dedicated nocturnists have less fatigue and stress. I work only nights, so I do not become excessively tired. My sleep schedule is completely reversed from the norm. This also has many advantages to my personal life. One of these is that I never miss a package delivered to my home!"

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"It's comforting to know that there are nocturnists available to handle emrgencies during the night."

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