
delicious, highly attractive


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The 60s are swinging again with bold brows, LUSCIOUS lashes and eyes lined to perfection.

(The Daily Express, UK)

Up the mountain were wild-orange trees, and now and then Ata would go with two or three women from the village and return laden with the green, sweet, LUSCIOUS fruit.

(from the novel Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham)

Did you


- sweet and pleasant to taste or smell

- having strong sensual appeal; seductive

- richly appealing to the senses or the mind

(American Heritage Dictionary)

Luscious evolved from the Middle English "lucius," an alteration of licious, which probably stemmed from delicious. In turn, delicious derives from the Old French "delicious" (Modern French délicieux) and the Late Latin deliciosus from Latin delicia (de = away + lacere = lure, deceive), which is related to "laqueus" meaning "to capture, entice."

While luscious is frequently used to describe food and drink, in addition to the female gender, it can be applied to anything that is pleasing to the senses:

taste — Bock beer is of a darker colour than the common lager, and possesses a certain luscious flavour, being spiced with an infusion of coriander or some such aromatic seed. (London Illustrated News)

sound — Ernestine Anderson combines the extraordinary excitement and luscious sound of a fresh voice with the maturity and wisdom of her years in music. (

smell — Sensuous pleasure from the soft and luscious fragrance of vanilla beans.(

touch — Luscious materials are joined together to give this rug an extremely soft feel. (

sight — The film consist of a series of visually luscious yet foreboding scenes of natural beauty, including mountain ranges, rock formations, a volcanic crater and an immense waterfall. (New York Times)


delicious, appetizing, divine, exquisite, flavoursome, heavenly, juicy, lush, luxurious, mouth-watering, opulent, palatable, rich, savoury, scrumptious, succulent, sumptuous, sweet, toothsome, voluptuous (describes the female figure), yummy

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"I had a luscious salad for lunch today."

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