love bombing

influencing through excessive attention and affection


love bombing = das Einschmeicheln und Heucheln von Verständnis und Akzeptanz, um jemanden zu manipulieren --- GOOGLE INDEX love bombing: approximately 100,000 Google hits



LOVE BOMBING gives your child an intense, condensed experience of feeling completely loved and completely in control.

(The Daily Telegraph)

A Muslim community in Sweden that faced a series of Islamaphobic attacks was recently surprised after residents LOVE BOMBED the local mosque in an outpouring of support.

(The Independent)

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ove bombing

- an attempt to influence a person by lavish demonstrations of attention and affection


The expression love bombing was apparently coined by members of the Unification Church of the United States, who use or have used it to convey a genuine expression of friendship, fellowship, interest, or concern.

Critics of cults use the phrase with the implication that the love is not real and that the practice is psychological manipulation in order to create a feeling of unity within the group against a society perceived as hostile.

In 2011 Clinical Psychologist Oliver James promoted a form of love bombing in his same-named book to help parents solve emotional problems in their children.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Effective or not, love-bombing at least demonstrates the positive side of human nature."

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