
a situation where no progress is being made


logjam = (fig.) die Blockade, der Stillstand logjam = Baumstämme, die einen Wasserlauf blockieren --- GOOGLE INDEX logjam: approximately 700,000 Google hits



Desperation amid earthquake aid LOGJAM

(The UK Press Association - News Headline)

President Wade of Senegal says a November constitutional referendum will break the LOGJAM caused by his conflict with parliament.

(BBC News)

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- (fig.) a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or get an advantage and no action can be taken

- a mass of floating logs that block a river

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

The figurative sense of logjam, meaning a deadlock where no progress is being made on an issue because of differences between several parties, stems from the idea of a real logjam in which a collection of too many logs blocks passage of a river.

Scientists have also discovered that the human brain can experience a logjam, such as when we try to do two things at once. The problem appears to be caused by a logjam of nerve messages. Faced with two almost simultaneous tasks less than 300 milliseconds apart, the brain's ability to deal with the second one slows down.

It's good to know that we now have scientific proof that supports the male excuse, "I can't do two things at the same time."

barrier, blockage, congestion, deadlock, gridlock, impasse, standstill

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"We need a compromise in order to break the logjam on this project."

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