level playing field

A competitive situation where everyone has the same chance to win


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Harmonisation is a core principle of the EU. It means bringing national laws into line with one another, to prevent discrimination and ensure a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD.

(The BBC News European Union Glossary)

Building Society Association calls for LEVEL PLAYING FIELD in UK financial services

(Banking Times - News Headline)

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level playing field (verb form: to level the playing field)

- a situation where everyone has the same advantages or opportunities

An old quote says "All is fair in love and war." In other words, people in love and soldiers in war are not bound by the rules of fair play. But we expect fairness in most situations, especially in sports. This is where "level playing field" stems from, an American expression that might have been "a level pitch" had someone from Britain originally created it.

Imagine an uneven football pitch where one team has to run uphill while the other runs downhill or where a ball rolls downhill or uphill. Without a level playing field, one team is at a disadvantage.

Some people are still cynical enough to believe that there is no such thing as fairness though. As the American comedian and actor Groucho Marx put it: "The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made."

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Anti-discrimination laws in the workplace try to create a level playing field for all job applicants."

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