
a place to stop a vehicle on the side of the road


lay-by = die Haltebucht, die Pannenbucht lay-by = Ausbuchtung der Fahrbahn am Straßenrand zum Anhalten --- GOOGLE INDEX lay-by: approximately 600,000 Google hits



A man who was found tied up in a LAY-BY said he was kidnapped by a hitchhiker and told to drive there at knifepoint.

(BBC News)

The Moon as a lunar LAY-BY. Telegraph View: Why not fill up on the way to Mars?

(Headline - The Telegraph)

Did you


- a place at the side of a road where a vehicle can stop for a short time without interrupting other traffic

(Cambridge Dictionary)

In the expression lay-by, lay refers to stopping or resting and the preposition "by" is used in the context of "at or to." So a lay-by is simply a place to stop at so you can rest or take a break from driving. In the US a lay-by is called a rest stop.

In the nautical world, a lay-by is an anchorage in a narrow waterway, away from the channel. In the railroad business, it refers to a small siding where rolling stock may be stored or parked

In Australia, lay-by also refers to a system of paying for goods in small amounts and receiving the goods after the full amount has been paid, or goods bought in this way.

Finally, lay-by is also a verb meaning to set aside or save for future needs or in nautical terms to cause a vessel to stop in open water.


rest stop, rest area, pull in

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"If you want to talk on the mobile phone while in your car, pull over into a lay-by first."

Thanks to Volker for suggesting today's word!

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