
money secretly paid in exchange for help


kickback = das Schmiergeld, die Bestechungsgelder kickback = andere durch Geschenke, Geldzahlungen o. . für seine eigenen (zweifelhaften) Interessen, Ziele gewinnen (und ihn dabei zur Verletzung einer Amts- oder Dienstpflicht verleiten) --- GOOGLE INDEX kickback: approximately 4,000,000 Google hits



Doctor gets 6 months in jail in Medicare KICKBACK scheme

(Chicago Tribune)

"Mayor Nagin used his public office and his official capacity to provide favorable treatment that benefitted the business and financial interests of individuals who provided him KICKBACKS."

(BBC News)

Did you

noun, verb idiom

- an amount of money that is paid to someone illegally in exchange for secret help or work

(Cambridge Dictionary)

- a strong reaction

(Collins Dictionary)

Kickbacks refer to payments or offering of services with the intent of influencing or gaining something from a company or a person. Kickbacks may be less fancifully termed as bribes. They are often associated with white-collar crimes (financially-motivated, non-violent crimes).

In politics, kickbacks might be used to secure influence over voting by offering services or even campaign contributions. In government dealings, kickbacks may be offered to obtain government approval for projects.

Another form of kickbacks can be found in the medical industry, where doctors get access to free samples of medicine in exchange for prescribing certain medications. Other types of kickback examples include a bank that recommends a particular mortgage broker and in return receives an under the table fee. A travel agent who gets rewarded for booking at a particular hotel is also a form of kickback.

While some of these examples may not necessarily be illegal, they are nonetheless referred to as kickbacks.

The term kickback stems from "kick," as in to drive, force or propel something (with the foot), and "back," as in return.


bribe, buyoff, compensation, fringe benefit, hush money, inducement, reward, payola, sweetener

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Kickbacks are a common way of doing business in some developing countries."

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