
smoking an e-cigarette, called "JUUL"


Juul = Die JUUL ist eine kleine, persönliche vaporizer, das Nikotin fast so gut wie eine Zigarette liefert. Viele JUUL Benutzer rufen vaping ein JUUL “JUULING.”



"Vaping – or Juuling, as it's often called, after the most popular brand – reportedly increased by 900% between 2011 and 2015

The Guardian

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verb (pronounced joo-lin)

- the act of smoking a Juul vaporiser product


Although Juul products, like most e-cigarettes, are made and marketed as smoking alternatives, the device is increasingly popping up on high school and college campuses. The term “JUULING” usually refers to this recreational use.

Because of their sleek design and resemblance to USB drives, Juul products are easy for students to conceal and use in school — sometimes even in the middle of class. (Juuls also produce less smoke than many similar devices, making them even more discreet.) The problem has grown widespread enough that school districts in states including Kentucky, Wisconsin, Californi, Massachusetts, and New York are discussing amending school policy to address the issue.

Juul’s products come in flavors including mango, fruit medley and creme brûlée. A 2016 study suggested that these flavoring agents may also cause "popcorn lung", a respiratory condition first seen in people working in factories that make microwave popcorn.

adapted from The New York Times


Brands sometimes become verbs, enter the dictionary, and become part of our cultural heritage. Microsoft's search engine "Bing" was launched in 2009 to compete against Google. Could this be why is failed?

"I bing, you bing, she bings, he bang, you had bung, they are binging,… let's bing".
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"Only time will tell if the verb JUULING eventually reaches dictionary status."

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