


jumpsuit = der Overall --- GOOGLE INDEX jumpsuit: approximately 18,000,000 Google hits



The 24-year-old Huguely of Chevy Chase, Maryland, appeared in a prison JUMPSUIT and handcuffs at the hearing.

(Daily Mail Online)

Elvis Presley Enterprises is opening a new exhibit with 56 of Elvis Presley's JUMPSUITS.


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- a garment incorporating trousers and a sleeved top in one piece, worn as a fashion item, protective garment, or uniform

(Oxford Dictionaries)

Jumpsuit originally referred to the utilitarian one-piece garments used by skydivers (thus the name jumpsuit as in jumping from an airplane). They were simple garments designed to insulate the body from the cold at high altitudes and minimize the risk of covering important handles and grips. Jumpsuit is meanwhile used as a common term for any one-piece garment with sleeves and legs. Jumpsuits have other uses today including:

- Pilots and drivers. Aviators and astronauts wear insulated, fire-retardant jumpsuits or flight suits that do not float or flap about in zero gravity or during high-G manoeuvres. Motor racing drivers wear jumpsuits for fire protection.

- Athletes. Skiers and speed skaters usually wear jumpsuits to protect them from the cold and to provide freedom of movement.

- Workers. The jumpsuit's simple one-piece design also makes it a practical garment for tradesmen, such as cleaners, auto mechanics and plumbers, who often wear looser-fitting jumpsuits, or coveralls.

- Elvis. One of the King’s trademarks was the jumpsuits he often wore on stage. Elvis experts speculate that he wore about 120 different jumpsuits over the years.

(sources: Wikipedia, www.elvis.com)


overalls, coveralls, flight suit

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The skiing season is approaching, time to get the jumpsuits out of the attic."

Thanks to Volker for suggesting today's word!

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