
to drink no alcohol during January


Janopause = Abstinenz von Alkohol im Januar nach den vorgegangenen Feiertagen --- GOOGLE INDEX Janopause: approximately 15,000 Google hits



JANOPAUSE detox doesn't do any good


JANOPAUSE has become a common way to atone for the over-indulgences of the festive season

(Times Of India)

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- the practice of abstaining from alcohol for the month of January


If you are like many other people around the world, January brings with it the guilt of having over-indulged in food and alcohol during the holidays in line with the motto "eat, drink and be merry!" This often leads to New Year's resolutions like dieting, going to the fitness center and forgoing alcohol altogether.

But such promises are usually forgotten by springtime, and certainly by the time the holiday season rolls around again. After all, who wants to watch friends and family celebrate with boxes of Christmas cookies and mulled wine while you sip a glass of tea and eat Weight Watchers dinners?

Alas, there is hope! Some creative person came up with a solution designed to get around the problem of cheating on resolutions while giving you the feeling that you have atoned for your sins. It's called the Janopause, a portmanteau of "January" and "pause." Our American cousins call it "Drynuary." The idea is to abstain from alcohol consumption during January in order to "detoxify" your system. For some this suggestion may come too late. But who knows, perhaps a "Febopause" is just as effective.

While the Janopause sounds good on paper, scientists and physicians warn that it actually may do more harm than good. The theory, much like giving up cigarettes for one month, is that a temporary prohibition eventually leads to even more drinking. Like the half-pack-a-day smoker who gravitates to a full pack-a-day after quitting and then starting up again, the two beer-a-day drinker risks becoming a three beer-a-day imbiber after a one month break from alcohol. As with all things in life, moderation is usually the best approach.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Sorry, no wine for me, I'm extending my Janopause until my next vacation."

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