
bold and brave


intrepid = furchtlos, unerschrocken --- GOOGLE INDEX intrepid: approximately 27,000,000 Google hits



The nearest beach is on the ocean side of the peninsula, where surfers and more INTREPID swimmers congregate.

(New York Times)

Nearly 150 years ago a group of INTREPID Welsh settlers headed to Patagonia in South America.

(BBC News)

Did you

The nearest beach is on the ocean side of the peninsula, where surfers and more INTREPID swimmers congregate.

(New York Times)

Nearly 150 years ago a group of INTREPID Welsh settlers headed to Patagonia in South America.

(BBC News)


- fearless, daring, bold

(Collins English Dictionary)

Intrepid is a just a more sophisticated word to describe someone who is courageous in an adventurous sense. It stems from the Latin "intrepidus," which is formed from "in" (not) plus "trepidus" (alarmed, afraid), by way of the French intrépide.

Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest, could certainly be described as an intrepid mountain climber. Actually, anyone who attempts to climb Mount Everest should be considered intrepid. All of history's great explorers were intrepid, whether it was Columbus reaching the New World or NASA astronauts like Neil Armstrong who landed on the moon with a Lunar module called the Intrepid.

It should come as no surprise that the word intrepid, because of its relation to being fearless, is often used to name ships and vehicles, especially by the military. The British has had several ships going all the way back to the 18th century named HMS (Her Majesty's Ship) Intrepid. Not to be outdone, several American combat ships have carried the name USS (United State's Ship) Intrepid.


audacious, bold, courageous, daring, dauntless, fearless, lionhearted, nerveless, resolute, stalwart, unflinching

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Intrepid refugees are risking their lives in crossing the Mediterranean."

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