
an indirect, and usually negative remark


innuendo = die versteckte Anspielung, die Andeutung --- GOOGLE INDEX innuendo: approximately 2,000,000 Google hits



Round The Horne was a groundbreaking piece of broadcasting, famous for its catchphrases, clever INNUENDO, colourful characters and brilliantly inventive scripts.

(BBC News)

Through the sorrow, all through our splendour,
Don't take offence at my INNUENDO

- from the song Innuendo by Queen

Did you


- the making of a remark or remarks that suggest something risqué or something unpleasant but do not refer to it directly

(Compact Oxford English Dictionary)

Marilyn Monroe was once asked by a journalist what she wore to bed. She replied, "Chanel No. 5."

Because she was insinuating that she doesn't wear anything but perfume to bed, this is a perfect example of innuendo. Like this statement, a lot of innuendo is risqué.

Even the British statesman Winston Churchill was capable of innuendo as this story illustrates:

In 1946 he travelled to the United States to deliver a speech at the dedication of a bust in his honour. Afterwards Churchill was approached by a rather attractive and well-endowed woman. "Mr. Churchill," she declared, "I travelled over a hundred miles this morning for the unveiling of your bust."

"Madam, I assure you that in this regard, I would gladly return the favour!"

allusion, aside, aspersion, implication, insinuation, intimation, undertone, reference

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Make sure you know the people you are talking to before using innuendo. It can be easily misinterpreted."

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