infra dig

beneath one’s dignity


infra dig = unter jdms. Würde --- GOOGLE INDEX infra dig: approximately 37,000 hits



Defying the protests of his highborn mother, who considered acting INFRA DIG and a profession only for people with no morals, Christopher Lee went on to make his name playing some of the most morally offensive characters of all time.

(adapted from The Guardian)

"The problem is image. It is INFRA DIG to do things with your hands in this country."

(head of the British Institute of Plumbing as quoted in the London Independent)

Did you

infra dig

- beneath one's dignity

(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition)

- beneath what one considers to be socially acceptable

(Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary)


Infra dig is a short form of the Latin phrase "infra dignitatem" (infra = below, dignitatem = dignity). Dignitatem is the accusative form of dignitas. Infra dig is often used in a cynical context to suggest that someone behaves like a social, intellectual or cultural snob (They wouldn't dare buy a house in the East End. That would be infra dig!)

Infra is found as a prefix in other English words:

infrared - that part of the light spectrum below the visible (red) segment

infrastructure - the underlying base or foundation of something

infrasonic - frequencies which are below those that can be heard by the human ear

Legal and academic papers occasionally have words with infra, such as vide infra and vide supra (sometimes abbreviated as VI and VS or v.s. and v.i.). This tells the reader to refer to something either below or above in a document. Then there is infra eatatem (under age), infra corpus comitatus (within a country) and plebs infra (the common folk, the lower class).


beneath one, bourgeois, debasing, degrading, demeaning, inexpedient, unbecoming, undignified, unworthy of one

(Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus)

say something like:

"My colleague booked a seat in business class because he said flying economy was infra dig. He can explain that to the accounting department when they process his travel expenses."

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