
intense but temporary feelings of love


infatuation = die Vernarrtheit, die Verliebtheit infatuated = verliebt, in etwas vernarrt sein --- GOOGLE INDEX infatuation: approximately 7,500,000 Google hits



Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the INFATUATION with violence.

- Jim Morrison, lead singer of the rock group The Doors

In Bangalore, a teenage girl's INFATUATION turned into a nightmare not only for her parents but also for her boyfriend who got arrested on charges of kidnapping. His only crime: taking his girlfriend to an amusement park in the middle of the night.


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- strong but not usually lasting feelings of love or attraction


- having a very strong but not usually lasting feeling of love or attraction for someone or something

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

When the Beatles took the world by storm in the early 60s, television was broadcasting images of screaming and crying girls and young women. This is called infatuation. Literature is also full of infatuation, such as the poor hunchbacked Quasimodo who can't get the beautiful Esmeralda out of his mind.

By definition, infatuation is a short-lived and usually foolish passion (from the Latin infatuare, to make a fool of). But the word is often used in a more figurative sense of an obsession with something, such as a man who can't seem to have enough cars (He has an infatuation with classic cars) or a woman who carries a different handbag every day (I don't know how she can afford that handbag infatuation).

More often than not though, infatuation has to do with love, like in this limerick:

An infatuated man from Dover,
was left by his imaginary lover.
He pulled his hair,
in sheer despair,
forgetting a wig* was his cover.

wig = Perücke


adoration, fascination, love, obsession, passion

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Online relationships sometimes turn out to be nothing more than an infatuation."

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