
compensation for damage


indemnity =die Entschädigung, der Schadenersatz indemnify = jmd. für etwas entschädigen --- GOOGLE INDEX indemnity: approximately 000,000 Google hits



A major Chinese ship insurer will halt INDEMNITY coverage for tankers carrying Iranian oil, beginning in July, two of the insurer’s officials said Thursday, amid tightening Western sanctions against Iran and after similar action in Japan.

(New York Times)

"The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no INDEMNITIES for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make."

(former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson)

Did you


- compensation for damage, loss or injury suffered


(American Heritage Dictionary)

Etymology: from the Middle French "indemnité" (14th century) and the Late Latin "indemnitas," meaning security for damage. Indemnitas further derives from "indemnis" (in = opposite of, without + damnum = damage).

Indemnity is the legal philosophy upon which the concept of most insurance policies rests. Strictly speaking, indemnity is protection from loss and damage claims filed by another person. For example, the owner of an amusement park may have indemnity insurance to compensate visitors injured on his property.

Many rental agreements contain an indemnity clause which prevents the customer from suing the rental agency for damages caused by use of the equipment. Leases for apartments may also contain indemnity clauses which limit claims against the owners in case of accidents.

Whenever a ticket is purchased for a sporting event or concert, part of the condition of admission is an indemnity agreement between the ticketholder and the venue itself. If a fan falls down slippery stadium step or a faulty pyrotechnic display burns a concertgoer, the indemnity agreement protects the stadium or hall from a major lawsuit.

Film tip: Double Indemnity (1944) - Considered by many to be the best film noir movie of all time. An insurance salesman lets himself be talked into a murder/insurance fraud scheme that arouses an insurance investigator's suspicions.
Memorable quote: "Yes, I killed him. I killed him for money - and a woman - and I didn't get the money and I didn't get the woman. Pretty, isn't it?"


reimbursement, compensation, damages, pay, payment, repayment, restitution

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Read the indemnity clause in the contract before signing."

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