
the breeding and management of crops and animals


husbandry = die Landwirtschaft, Ackerbau und Viehzucht animal husbandry = Viehzucht, Tierpflege, Tierzucht, Tierhaltung, Viehwirtschaft --- GOOGLE INDEX husbandry: approximately 19,500,000 Google hits



Extensive travels through France, Belgium and Germany have given me a very poor opinion of animal HUSBANDRY in those countries.

(The Telegraph, London)

Wouldn't our ancestors be amazed that fairs today typically showcase traditional crafts, skills and HUSBANDRY rarely used by the majority of nonfarm Americans?


Did you

noun, verb idiom

- the act or practice of cultivating crops and breeding and raising livestock; agriculture

- the application of scientific principles to agriculture, especially to animal breeding

- careful management or conservation of resources

(American Heritage Dictionary)

The term husbandry, essentially a synonym for farming, stems from the Old English "husbonda," meaning the male head of a household (husband). Husbonda in turn is probably from the Old Norse "husbondi" or master of the house (hus = house + bondi = dweller, freeholder, peasant).

Bondi dervies from buandi, the present participle of "bua," meaning to dwell. Bua is also the source of "bower," which in Old English referred to a room, hut or dwelling, but in the modern sense is a pleasant place under the branches of a tree in a wood or garden.

Also related is the word "bowery," which means leafy or covered in leaves. As a proper noun, Bowery is a section of lower Manhattan in New York City that got its name from the Dutch word for farm: bouwerij. At various times the Bowery has been notorious for its saloons, petty criminals, and derelicts. The Dutch "boer" and German "Bauer," both of which mean farmer, also stem from "bua."

Husbandry is often used in conjunction with animal - animal husbandry - to distinguish it from crop farming and agriculture in general. Although the term is synonymous with farming, husbandry is applied in more of a research or scientific sense. It's rare that someone who owns a farm would describe his occupation as husbandry. However, it's not unusual for an expert such as a scientist or academic professional to say, "I work in the field of husbandry" or "I teach husbandry".

Husbandry is also used to note the breeding and care of specific animals (horse husbandry, swine husbandry).


agriculture, farming, breeding

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Before taking over the farm, his son is taking a degree in animal husbandry."

Thanks to Sabine for suggesting today's word!

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