hitherto = bisher
hitherto: approximately 8,500,000 Google hits
Human nature is the only science of man; and yet has been HITHERTO the most neglected.
- David Hume, 18th century Scottish philosopher
Three frog species HITHERTO unknown to science have been found in Colombia.
(BBC Science & Environment)
--- Human nature is the only science of man; and yet has been HITHERTO the most neglected.
- David Hume, 18th century Scottish philosopher
Did you know?
hitherto adverb
- until now or a particular time
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
--- Hitherto goes back to the 13th century and combines hither (here) and to. Despite the fact that it can be found more than 8,000,000 times on Google, hitherto is meanwhile considered outdated. Some might argue this point since Shakespeare, who used such words liberally, is hardly considered outdated. Still, hitherto and other words like it are rarely heard in daily conversations.
However, hitherto can still be found in formal writings like legal documents and contracts, as well as in older but still important works such as the Bible and in classic literature from the likes of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen.
Other "outdated" words that one will still run across in formal and legal documentation include:
- forthwith = immediately (You are expected to cease contacting my client forthwith!)
- thence = from there (The agreement should first be reviewed by legal and thence forwarded to management for signature.)
- herewith = with (Herewith I enclose the requested documents.)
until now, up until this point, so far, to date
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"The information that we requested has hitherto not been received."