
ugly, disgusting


hideous = abscheulich, hässlich, widerlich --- GOOGLE INDEX hideous: approximately 20,500,000 Google hits



2012 London Olympics Logo Still HIDEOUS


Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns HIDEOUS clothing.

- American humorist Dave Barry

Did you


- offensive to the senses and especially to sight; exceedingly ugly

- morally offensive

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Hideous App

Imagine for a moment if Snow White's evil stepmother had an iPhone. Instead of constantly being tricked by the mirror on the wall, she could simply gaze into the display and ask the famous question, albeit a bit differently: "iPhone, iPhone, in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?"

If she were smart, she would program the app to tell her what she wants to hear. But if she happened to use the iPhone app "Ugly Meter," she might be tempted to throw the phone away in a rage. Using the iPhone’s front-facing camera, Ugly Meter does pretty much what the name tells you: it rates how hideous (or beautiful) you are.

It rates on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being "most hideous." As if that were not enough, the app (yes, it really exists!) adds insult to injury with the addition of messages like:

- "You’re so ugly, when your mother went into labor the doctors went on strike."

- "Wow you’re ugly, is your doctor a vet?"

- "If ugliness were bricks, you’d be the Great Wall of China."

If you're lucky and score on the beautiful end of the scale, you might get a message like, "You're so hot, you make the sun jealous." Staff at the London Daily Mail newspaper tried it out on several celebrities with Brad Pitt scoring an 8 and British Prime Minister David Cameron a 7.

Etymology: Hideous is from the Anglo-French. "hidous" and Old French "hideus" meaning horrible.

grotesque, horrible, abominable, disgusting, frightful, gross, gruesome, horrendous, horrid, macabre, monstrous, morbid, nasty, offensive, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shocking, sick, ugly, uncomely, unsightly

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"We stayed in a hideous hotel during our last vacation."

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