
the process of animals sleeping over the winter


hibernation = die Überwinterung, der Winterschlaf hibernation = schlafähnlicher Zustand, in den manche Säugetiere im Winter verfallen --- GOOGLE INDEX hibernation: approximately 9,500,000 Google hits



It's cold outside: many birds have flown south for the winter and the smaller mammals have gone into HIBERNATION.

(BBC News)

For nearly three years, the spacecraft was in HIBERNATION while its solar panels were starved of light.

(Washington Post)

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- the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state

- an extended period of remaining inactive or indoors

(Oxford Dictionary)

The term hibernation is from the Latin "hibernatio," the action of passing the winter. It describes an extended period of deep sleep, or torpor, that allows animals to survive winter extremes. Reducing metabolic rate and lowering body temperature enables survival through cold periods when food is scarce or has little energy value.

Hibernating species usually work hard to build up large fat reserves before they hibernate, although some wake up at intervals to eat in order to replenish their energy supply.

Hibernation is more varied than one might think. Many animals hibernate in a den all winter, but some animals hibernate in the summer. Certain birds and bats enter a sort of daily hibernation called torpor.

While humans do not hibernate, people who live in places where winters are long and cold may wish they could simply fall into a deep sleep and wake up to the sights and sounds of spring!

(partially adapted from Wikipedia)


dormancy, slumber, torpor

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"I can't wait for Spring and to bring my motorcycle out of hibernation."

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