he dragged his feet

he did it slowly


drag one's feet = trödeln, sich absichtlich Zeit lassen, etw. verschleppen/verzögern --- GOOGLE INDEX drag one's feet: approximately 2,000,000 Google hits



Small businesses DRAGGING THEIR FEET setting up websites


In Draghi’s defense, it would be difficult to implement such a plan without some sort of banking union, something European politicians have been DRAGGING THEIR FEET on for nearly two years. Unfortunately, politicians seldom act unless there is a crisis.

(Fortune magazine)

Did you

drag one's feet

- to do something slowly because you do not want to do it

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Remember Quasimodo, the poor and miserable church-bell ringer in Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, who is forced to drag his feet when he walks because of his unfortunate physical deformities? He couldn't help but drag his feet of course. He was born that way.

Most of us don't have an excuse when we drag our feet. It's usually because we face an unpleasant or seemingly impossible task. We take our time. We delay, consciously or not. We let the grass grow under our feet (to stand still, do nothing) or we get cold feet (to become afraid of doing something).

That is, unless someone holds our feet to the fire (put someone under pressure) and makes us jump in with both feet (to become involved in something quickly and completely). Regardless of the situation however, it's always best to keep one's feet on the ground (to remain calm and stable). Because that will take a load off your feet (to feel relieved).


dally, dawdle, drag out, delay, hold off on, let slide, postpone, prolong, procrastinate, stall, tarry, wait

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"When suppliers drag their feet, it delays production."

Thanks to Alice for suggesting today's word!

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