
sewing accessories


haberdashery (British) = Kurzwaren oder Kurzwaren-Geschäft, -Abteilung —— haberdashery (American) = Herrenartikel oder Herrenartikel-Geschäft, -Abteilung



“John Lewis reports HABERDASHERY sales rise as TV shows such as The Great British Sewing Bee inspire make do and mend trend.”

Lauren Abbott — Newark Advertiser (17th January 2023)

“Florida Legislature: Getting ready for the big show, … Dust off the dress shoes, make a last-minute dash to the HABERDASHERY and the hairdresser and clear off the calendar. The Florida Legislature’s coming back to town.”

Gary Fineout & Matt Dixon — Politico (13th January 2020)

Did you


- small items used in sewing, such as buttons, zips, and thread
- cloth, pins, thread, etc. used for sewing, or a shop or a department of a large store that sells these

- men's clothing and accessories
- clothing for men, or a shop or department in a large store that sells this

Oxford Languages / The Cambridge Dictionary


The word "haberdashery" derives from the Middle English word haberdasher, which first appeared in the late 13th century as a surname and referred to a seller of small goods or notions (Kurzwaren).

The root of "haberdasher" is thought to come from the Anglo-French word hapertas, meaning "small wares" or possibly a type of fabric.

In the early 15th century, the noun "haberdashery" emerged, referring to the goods sold by a haberdasher. This included small items like caps, purses, beads, thread, stationery and the like.

Over time, the meaning of "haberdasher" shifted in American English (around 1887) to refer more specifically to a dealer of men's clothing accessories and furnishings.

However, in British English, "haberdashery" retained its older meaning of notions and sewing supplies like needles, threads, buttons, zippers and other sewing items used for textile crafts and sewing projects.


- “A stitch in time saves nine" = taking care of a problem early can prevent it from becoming a bigger issue (If you fix that leak now, you won't have to replace the whole roof later. A stitch in time saves nine.)

- “Hanging by a thread" = to be in a very precarious or dangerous situation (After the latest scandal, the politician's career is hanging by a thread.)

- “Coming apart at the seams" = to be falling apart or in a state of disarray (After the layoffs, the company seems to be coming apart at the seams.)

- “Button your lip” = be quiet or stop talking (You should button your lip about the surprise party if you want it to remain a secret.)

- “Cut from the same cloth" = to be very similar in character or behaviour (It's no surprise that they get along so well; they're cut from the same cloth.)

- “Pins and needles" = a tingling or prickling sensation felt in a part of the body that has temporarily lost circulation and is regaining it (After sitting cross-legged for too long, I had pins and needles in my feet when I stood up.)

- “A needle in a haystack" = something that is very difficult or impossible to find (Trying to find my lost earring in the park was like looking for a needle in a haystack.)

- “All sewn up" = to be completed or achieved successfully (With that final goal, they have the championship all sewn up.)


accessories, bits and bobs, crafting embellishments, embroideries, doodads, finery, finishings, fripperies, gauderies, HABERDASHERY, knickknacks, notions, odds and ends, paraphernalia, sewing essentials, stitching sundries

apparel, attire, blokeswear, clobber, dudswear, duds, gentlemen’s/male/men's apparel (array, assortment, attire/s, clothing, equipage, fashion, outfit, raiment, outfitting, raiment), gentswear, HABERDASHERY, togs, wardrobe essentials

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“Take care using the word HABERDASHERY in the UK or USA, where it has quite different meanings.”

THANKS to Johannes for suggesting today's word.

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Paul Smith

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