grassroots (adj.) = grundlegend, an der Basis
grassroots (noun) = die Basis einer Organisation oder Bewegung
grassroots: approximately 38,000,000 Google hits
It would be good if Murray's US Open and Olympics victories sparked a big GRASSROOTS interest in tennis,
(The Guardian)
--- This image represents my support for the Occupy movement, a GRASSROOTS movement spawned to stand up against corruption, imbalance of power, and failure of our democracy to represent and help average Americans.
(International Business Times)
Did you know?
grassroots adjective
- fundamental, basic
- the ordinary people in a society or an organization, especially a political party
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
--- Etymology: Grassroots is a compound word that can be applied as an adjective or a noun. Grass stems from the Old English "græs, gærs" (herb, plant, grass) and from the Proto-Germanic "grasan" (to grow and become green). Root comes from the Old English "wyrt" and Proto-Germanic "wrot" where the "w" was eventually dropped, changing the word to "rot" and then "root."
The figurative use of the term "grassroots," as in basic or fundamental, stems from the literal sense of the roots of grass. This figurative sense was first recorded in the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century and was later adopted to primarily refer to the ordinary people in a political party. It is meanwhile used to describe the group of common people that make up any organization or society in general.
One of the earliest recorded references of grassroots stems from a Senator from the state of Indiana who described his Progressive Party as "coming from the grassroots and grown from the soil of people's hard necessities." In a 1903 news article covering the campaign of Theodore Roosevelt and his vice presidential running mate Eli Torrance, a Kansas political organizer also utilized the term when he said, "Roosevelt and Torrance clubs will be organized in every locality. We will begin at the grassroots."
While there are many grassroots organizations and movements around the world, there are also "fake" grassroots that the media describes as "Astroturfing." This is an attempt to create an impression of widespread grassroots support for a policy, individual or product, where little such support exists. Multiple online identities and fake pressure groups are used to mislead the public into believing that the position of the "Astroturfer" is the commonly held view. The term is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass.