GP = General Practitioner = der/die Hausarzt/Hausärztin
general practitioner: approximately 8,200,000 Google hits
Most GENERAL PRACTITIONERS are not convinced the planned shake-up of the National Health Service in England will benefit patients, a BBC poll suggests.
(BBC News)
--- In many rural areas, there is only one doctor, who is often a GENERAL PRACTITIONER, on call for trips to the emergency room. This can spell trouble for patients stricken by heart attacks or hurt in car accidents who are subsequently forced to travel hundreds of miles to the nearest big city hospital.
Did you know?
general practitioner (GP)
noun phrase
- a physician whose practice is not oriented to a specific medical specialty but instead covers a variety of medical problems in patients of all ages
(American Heritage Dictionary)
--- A general practitioner — more commonly called a GP — is a medical doctor who provides comprehensive general care to patients, rather than focusing on a specific organ system, family of conditions or type of medical issue. Many people use GPs for their primary care and they are usually the first point of contact with the medical system for patients. Training to become a GP requires attending medical school and completing a residency in family medicine.
Since the medical profession has a great affinity for abbreviations, here are a few others that are helpful to know if you land in a clinic or hospital in an English-speaking country:
- LPN = licensed practical nurse (a nurse with typically a two-year college degree)
- RN = registered nurse (a nurse with a four-year college degree)
- EMT = emergency medical technical (medical professionals who provide first-responder emergency treatment at accident scenes )
- OB/GYN = obstetrician/gynaecologist (births and female reproductive organs)
- ENT = ear, nose and throat specialist
- ER = emergency room
- EEG = electroencephalogram test (brain)
- ECG = electrocardiogram test (heart) Note: English has also adopted the German EKG, but spoken with English phonetics (ee-kay-gee)
- MRI = magnetic resonance imaging scan
- CAT = computerized axial tomography scan
family doctor/physician, primary care doctor/physician