gossip = klatschen
gossip = der Klatsch, das Geschwätz
gossip = der Schwätzer, das Klatschweib
gossip: approximately 76,000,000 Google hits
Poll says men spend more time GOSSIPING than women
(The UK Daily Telegraph - News Headline)
--- The only time people dislike gossip is when you GOSSIP about them.
- Will Rogers
Did you know?
gossip verb
- to talk about other people's private lives
- the act of gossiping
- someone who enjoys talking about other people and their private lives
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
--- Gossiping Preachers
Three preachers are on a boat far from the shore. They decide to confess their sins to one another.
Looking at the other two, Pastor Smith asks, "What is your greatest sin?"
Pastor Miller says, "Well, I have a problem with alcohol. I like to take to the bottle sometimes."
Pastor Williams replies, "I have a problem with lust. I desire every woman I see."
He then looks at Pastor Smith and says, "Okay, we confessed. So what do you have a problem with?"
Brother Smith says, "Gossip. Can we get back to town now?"