someone who uses Google to search for information about other people
Google stalker = jemand, der sich mit Hilfe von Google Informationen über alte Freunde, Kollegen oder neue Bekannte beschafft oder ihnen hinterherspioniert
Google stalker: approximately 13,000 hits
Follow someone too closely and you could be accused of being a Google stalker. Follow yourself too closely and you're a Google narcissist.
Business Week
Did you know?
Google stalker noun
- someone who uses Google searches to locate and obtain information on old friends, colleagues or new acquaintances
Do you spend your leisure time looking up old acquaintances by searching their names on Google? If so, you may be a Google stalker. Don’t rush to your doctor though. It appears to be a common "netailment" (illnesses caused by excessive Internet activity).
What once was the sole domain of private detectives, finding personal information on old friends, work colleagues or next week’s blind date has become increasingly easier with anonymous access to Internet search engines like Alta Vista, Yahoo! and Google.
For some people, it has become a hobby, and for others an obsession. The phrase Google stalking first gained public attention in the December 23, 2006 issue of New Scientist magazine, which published a light-hearted article about Internet addictions.
--- IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS TODAY say something like:
"If you need background information on any of the people we are meeting next week regarding the merger, ask John. He’s our resident Google stalker."