
someone who is ruined or has no chance left


(to be a) goner = erledigt sein ---GOOGLE INDEX goner: approximately 450,000 hits



President Clinton was barely inaugurated the first time around when commentators listed him as a political GONER.

(New York Times)

"I reckon he's a GONER. Don't you feel sorry for him sometimes?"

- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain

Did you

noun, slang

- a person or thing that has no chance of continuing to live (from the verb gone, the past participle of "to go")

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


'We all looked at each other and said, "That hamster is a goner".' With these words, British firefighter Mark Spinks made the news headlines and was a hero for a day. After being called to a house in Dagenham, Essex, Mr. Spinks and his fellow firefighters faced a blazing hamster sitting on a stove

The pet's owners had moved the hamster cage to the kitchen because it was keeping their four-year old son awake. The problem was, they failed to remember that the stovetop burners were turned on. The cage burst into flames and roasted the unfortunate hamster.

When the firefighters arrived, the family pet, named Christmas, was lying on its back with burned legs in the air and tongue hanging out. The rescue team gave Christmas a blast of oxygen, a sip of Ribena (a beverage made from black currant juice) and then massaged its belly. They then watched in amazement as it sprung back to life.

(adapted from CBBC, the children's BBC network)


dead duck, dead meat, gone goose (archaic), history, toast

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"If I don't finish this report by Friday's deadline, I'll be a goner!"

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