
eating too much


gluttony = die Unersättlichkeit, die Fressgier, die Völlerei (, DH) --- GOOGLE INDEX gluttony: approximately 1,500,000 hits



Suffering from upset stomach (or worse!)? If several of your holiday-dinner companions experience the same symptoms, food-borne pathogens are likely to blame, rather than a day of GLUTTONY, says Catherine Donnelly, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Vermont.

(Shape magazine)

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.

- Peter De Vries

Did you


- (disapproving) when people eat and drink more than they need to

glutton (noun) – a person who eats and drinks more than they need to

gluttonous (adjective) – eating and drinking more than you need

(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)


Etymology: Gluttony, the act of eating and drinking too much, derived from glutton, a person who eats and drinks too much. Glutton was borrowed from the Old French gluton/gloton, and from the Latin glutto. This in turn is related to or was formed from the Latin gluttire, meaning to swallow, and gula, throat. (Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology)

When Orson Welles said "gluttony is not a secret vice", he was speaking from experience. He suffered from obesity and was rumoured to have weighed more than 350 pounds (nearly 160 kilos) toward the end of his life. Legend - or urban myth - has it that he once ate 18 hot dogs during one sitting at Pink’s Hot Dogs in Los Angeles.

His 160 kilos was quite modest overweight compared to Manuel Uribe, who currently holds the title of "the world’s heaviest man". Uribe, who lives in Monterrey, Mexico, tips the scales at an unfathomable 1200+ pounds (555 kilos). That’s half a ton! Not content with just one world record, he now has his sights set on establishing the record for losing the most weight. We can only say Bon appetit and good luck!

(There are few direct synonyms for the noun gluttony. The following is a list of verbs synonymous with overeating)

cram, feast, have a food orgy, gorge, overeat, overindulge, pig out, pork out, scarf, stuffing

glutton (a person who overeats)

crammer, epicure, garbage hound, gobbler, gorger, gormandiser, gourmand, greedy-gut, hefty eater, hog, pelican, pig, stuffer

say something like:

"The end of season dinner party was pure gluttony, nothing for us weight-watchers!"

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