
an over abundance of something


glut = der Überfluss, das Überangebot glut = eine über den eigentlichen Bedarf hinausgehende Menge --- GOOGLE INDEX glut: approximately 10,500,000 Google hits



New output from places like Alaska and the North Sea in the 1980s helped produce a GLUT, sending oil prices plummeting.

(New York Times)

Facing a GLUT in the cannabis market, Mexican farmers have turned to poppies.

(The Economist)

Did you


- too great a supply

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Glut comes stems from the Old French gloter, meaning "to swallow too much, gulp down."The glottis is the part of your body where your vocal chords reside and where you swallow. The sense of "being full or sated" is from the late 16th century.

Someone who swallows, or eats, too much is a glutton and the act of eating too much is called gluttony, one of the seven cardinal sins of the Christian faith which also includes wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust and envy.

Glut can be used as a verb, such as in "glutting the appetite" or "glutting oneself with Christmas sweets" for example.

However, the modern sense of the noun glut is more often used in the context of economics and the theory of supply and demand. Glut is essentially the condition where the supply exceeds demand, a situation that typically results in lower prices for a particular good or product.


overabundance, excess, flood, overflow, oversupply, plenitude, plethora, saturation, surplus

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"The oil glut is finally lowering the price of petrol."

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