
fashionable, high-society people


glitterati = Schickeria



The GLITTERATI crowd included glamorous Russians as well as Londoners, plus many other stars and political heavyweights.

(BBC News)


Sophia Loren vacationed at Sveti Stefan, a peninsular village-turned-luxury-resort, now run by Aman hotels and still favored by the glitterati.

New York Times

Did you


- rich, famous and fashionable people whose activities are of interest to the public and are written about in some newspapers and magazines

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Glitterati is a portmanteau (a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings) of glitter (the excitement and attractive quality connected with rich and famous people) and literati (well-educated people). The connection between the rich and famous and the well-educated may appear a bit strange at first glance, but the idea stems from literati as a group that sets itself apart from the rest of society - in this case being well read or educated.

Literati is combined with a few other expressions such as:

- Twitterati = famous people who use the Twitter service to market themselves

- technorati = in addition to the name of an Internet search engine for blogs (Technorati), it is also used to refer to important or famous people in the technology world (Microsoft's Bill Gates for instance)

Creating portmanteaus has become an art in itself meanwhile. With the Internet as a transport medium, new terms such as Eurogeddon (Euro + Armageddon to describe the Euro financial crisis) and Brexit (Britain + exit, "the (proposed) withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and the political process associated with it") can become popular in no time at all.

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

"You'll find GLITTERATI in all major cities of the world."

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