
An author who writes anonymously for another person


ghostwriter = jemand der im Auftrag und anonym schreibt --- GOOGLE INDEX ghostwriter: approximately 393,000 Google hits



"Behind the title of ghostwriter, I could converse with kings and billionaires as easily as whores and the homeless, go backstage with rock stars and actors."
(Interview with Andy Croft, The Guardian)

Philadelphia rapper Meek Mill recently accused Drake of using ghostwriters.

Did you


- a person whose job it is to write material for someone else who is the named author.
(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

A ghost is believed to be the spirit of a dead person and thus cannot be seen by humans. "Ghost-writing" originally referred to using special types of ink, such as lemon juice, for secret texts. Only the reader knew how to make the words visible. Texts written in lemon juice, for example, can be seen when the paper is carefully (!) heated over a flame.

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the term "ghost" was used in the mid-1880s to describe a person who wrote secretly in the name of someone else. The term "gooseberry-picker", although seldom used today, refers to someone who does all the work, while others get the credit.
A recent New York Times article described the similar job of "toast whisperers", authors who write short speeches for events such as weddings or for a company anniversary. A "toast" is when the speaker says a few words of praise about the host or talks about the firm’s history.

Ghosts can be found in other English phrases, too.
- a ghost of a chance = to have practically no chance (He thinks he’ll get the job, but he doesn’t have a ghost of a chance.)

- the ghost at the feast = an unpleasant reminder that spoils a pleasant event (Although our candidate won the election, high unemployment remains the ghost at the feast.)

- be pale as a ghost = to suddenly lose colour from one’s face, usually from shock, fear or illness (She turned as pale as a ghost upon hearing the news.)

(someone who does something on behalf of or in the name of another)

proxy, substitute, agent, deputy, stand-in

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Bob must have used a ghostwriter for this memo. It’s actually interesting to read!"

Thanks to Carol for today's word

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