
a circular decoration of leaves or flowers


garland = der Kranz, die Girlande --- GOOGLE INDEX garland: approximately 114,000,000 Google hits



At 60ft in length and boasting no less than 30,000 flowers, the Christmas GARLAND in the Great Hall in Cotehele, Cornwall, is impressive.

(BBC News)

The Douglas fir is a versatile tree that can handle lights, GARLAND, and multiple ornaments with just enough spacing between branches to add dimension.

(San Francisco Chronicle newspaper)

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- flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes

(Wordnet 3.0)

Garland stems from the Old French "garlande," which may derive from the Frankish "weron," to adorn or bedeck.

While garland can be used for just about any occasion, the most popular time of year to display it is the Christmas holiday season. Garland is commonly wrapped around the Christmas tree, banisters or wherever they can be hung in the house. Prior to the invention of plastic, garland was made from natural materials such as flowers and leaves. These days many people buy or make garland from synthetic materials, some of which look amazingly real.

In order to be well-equipped for an English Christmas, here are a few other terms related to one of the most important celebrations in the Christian world:

- baubels = Shiny trinkets and ornaments, traditionally made from glass, used in Christmas decorations.

- carols = Originally secular songs to accompany dancing during communal celebrations, Carols have evolved to become religious songs sung at Christmas.

- holly = A bush with green glossy leaves, and most known for the varieties with red berries, used as a Christmas decoration representing new life.

- Kris Kringle - A corruption of Christkindl, meaning Christ Child, it was misunderstood by those living near Pennsylvania Germans to mean a bringer of gifts, and is thus now synonymous with Santa Claus.

- mistletoe = An evergreen plant with small white fruits and pale yellow flowers which grows on trees, often used as a Christmas decoration. A "popular" Christmas tradition is kissing under the mistletoe.

- Saint Nicholas - A Bishop in Asia Minor, now Turkey, in the 4th century, later to become Saint Nicholas of Myra. He had the habit of helping people less fortunate than himself by leaving gifts or money for them, the precursor to the modern day tradition of Santa Claus.

- tinsel - Long strands of glittery paper used as Christmas Decorations.

- Yule/Yuletide - Ancient pagan festival celebrating the Winter Solstice and the coming spring around the 21st of December. Later it merged with, and became synonymous with, the Christmas celebration.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"This year our family is making a special Christmas tree garland."

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