frolic = fröhlich herumtollen, scherzen, tollen
Use "ck" in the continuous and past forms of this word: frolicking, frolicked
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The sight of hundreds of FROLICKING elephants along the water each afternoon is an unforgettable highlight of a visit to Botswana
--- Alexander the Great fought and FROLICKED with his men; they loved him for it and followed him on his quest to conquer the ends of the known world.
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frolic verb
to behave in a happy, playful way
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
--- WORD ORIGIN Circa 1538. From the Middle Dutch vrolyc, meaning happy (vro = merry, glad and lyc = like). Related to the German fröhlich.
(adapted from the Online Etymology Dictionary)
--- SYNONYMS play, revel, romp, have fun, gaiety, make merry, let loose, play around, prance
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“You should have seen the sales people frolicking around in the conference room after it was announced they made their quota for the year.”