for peanuts

for very little money


for peanuts = für einen Hungerlohn, für wenig Geld --- GOOGLE INDEX for peanuts: approximately 1,800,000 Google hits



In Spain, don't expect to pick up a beautiful villa in a desirable location FOR PEANUTS.

(The Guardian)

My big fear is that after coming out with a degree, I will spend two to three years trying to find my dream job while having to work FOR PEANUTS.

(The Australian)

Did you

or peanuts
slang phrase

- for a very small or inadequate sum of money

(Oxford Dictionary)

As the Peanut Institute will tell you, peanuts are not really nuts, but are so-called legumes, a type of plant (like bean plants) with seeds that grow in long cases called pods. The seeds are edible. Originally called ground nut, the name evolved to peanut, which we can assume is simply because of its relation to the pea.

Peanuts actually grow underground (the peanut is called Erdnuss in German for instance - Erd = ground + Nuss = nut), as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees. Peanuts, along with beans and peas, belong to the single plant family Leguminosae.

The figurative sense of "for very little money" is an Americanism from the 1930s and stems from the fact that peanuts have long been considered a cheap snack. They were commonly sold in the cinema and to this day are still a traditional snack in professional baseball parks.

The cinema connection gave rise to the expression "peanut gallery," which refers to a group of people who criticize someone, often by focusing on insignificant details. This derived from the days of vaudeville (an early 20th century form of theatre entertainment) when peanut gallery was used to describe the cheapest (and therefore the rowdiest) seats in the theatre. Occupants of the peanut gallery were known to heckle the performers by throwing peanuts at them since they were so cheap.


chicken feed, chump change, drop in the bucket, paltry sum, pittance, pocket change, pocket money, small change, small potatoes

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Factory workers in many developing countries still work for peanuts."

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