fall prey to = etw./jdm. zum Opfer fallen
fall prey to: approximately 1,000,000 hits
With enough pressure, even the most conservative of investors FELL PREY TO speculative investments in the dot-com sector.
--- This year alone, 4.3 million FELL PREY TO the AIDS virus, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).
(The USA Today)
Did you know?
fall prey to phrase
- to suddenly begin to suffer as a result of something or someone bad
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
--- WORD ORIGIN The noun prey means an animal that is hunted for food or someone who is the target of an attack.
It was derived from the Old French preie (circa 1140), which meant an animal taken in the chase. Prey was borrowed from the Latin praeda, meaning booty, plunder or a hunted animal.
Prey can also be used as a verb (to prey on, to exploit) and derives from the Old French preer (circa 1297) meaning to plunder, pillage or ravage.
--- SYNONYMS to fall victim to, to suffer from, to suffer under, to be burdened by, to be troubled by, to be plagued by, to be exploited by
--- IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS TODAY say something like:
“The company's stock fell prey to the price of oil and lost more than 5 percent in value in one day!”