
a type of headphone


earbuds = Ohrhörer, Kopfhörer, Ohrstöpsel, --- GOOGLE INDEX earbuds: approximately 3,500,000 Google hits



The EARBUDS are small and fit in your pocket, but can deliver some amazing sounds.

(The Boston Globe)

For the price you get a creative design with a 2-inch screen, touch-sensitive controls, and better-than-average EARBUDS.

(PC Magazine)

Did you

earbuds (usually plural)

- tiny loudspeakers that fit in the ear for listening to sounds and music


Earbuds are generally known as the earphones that are supplied with portable audio players like MP3 players. They consist of two small plastic earpiece housings that are inserted in the outer ridge of the ears.

Bud, as it is used in the term "earbud", refers to the shape of a bud, which is the small part of a plant that develops into a flower or leaf.

In the 1980s, audiologists began warning lovers of loud music about hearing loss that could result from using their Walkman or portable compact disc (CD) players. With the advent of MP3 players and the popular iPod from Apple, experts are now actively encouraging safer use of these devices.

Dean Garstecki, a Northwestern University professor and audiologist, says, "We’re seeing the kind of hearing loss in younger people typically found in aging adults. Unfortunately, the earbuds preferred by music listeners are even more likely to cause hearing loss than the muff-type earphones that were associated with the older devices."

Not only are earbuds placed directly into the ear, they can boost the sound signal by as much as six to nine decibels. "That’s the difference in intensity between the sound made by a vacuum cleaner and the sound of a motorcycle engine," added professor Garstecki.

The solution, according to Garstecki, is the 60 percent/60 minute rule. This means using MP3 devices for no more than about an hour a day and at levels below 60 percent of maximum volume.

(sources: Science News)



earphones, headphones*

*Although headphones are technically different because they are not placed inside the ear, the term is still used synonymously with earphones/earbuds.


"I wish someone would design earbuds with wires that don't constantly become tangled and twisted."

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