dummy run

a practice or rehearsal


dummy run = der Probelauf



"The vote in September should have been final but was treated as a DUMMY RUN by the Nationalists."

The Scotland Herald

Did you

dummy run
noun phrase

- a practice or trial

(Oxford Dictionary)

The phrase "dummy run" stems from dummy, as in "not real but having a similar appearance to something else," and "run," which in this context means a practice or a trial.

The term dummy derives from the adjective "dumb," as in a person who is unable to speak. In the mid-19th century this sense was expanded to refer to a figure that represents a person, such as a doll or a mannequin for example. The figures that ventriloquists make appear as if they are talking are also called dummies.

Dumb is also used to describe silent equipment, such as the dumbwaiter, a movable platform for passing dishes up and down from one room to another, especially from the kitchen. The idea here of course is that it acts as a "silent waiter."

While "dumb" originally meant silent, it took on the additional sense of "stupid, ignorant" in the mid-19th century. This change was likely influenced by the German adjective "dumm." Still, a dummy run is usually not a dumb idea.


Nowadays, because of the double meaning of dumb, many speakers now prefer to use the term "speech impaired" to describe people with talking difficulties.

SYNONYMS for dummy run

dress rehearsal, dry run, practice run, trial run, test run

Practice OWAD in a conversation:

"It's always a good idea to do a DUMMY RUN if you have an important presentation to make."

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