in dribs and drabs = tröpfchenweise, kleckerweise
"The strategy will probably be published in January but essential details will come out in DRIBS AND DRABS."
BBC News
dribs and drabs
- small amounts that come or happen over a period of time
Drib is known in some English, Irish and Scottish dialects from at least the eighteenth century, meaning a small quantity or a drop and most probably is a variant form of drip or drop. It was taken by emigrants to the US and at one time was fairly common there. The English Dialect Dictionary quotes a letter written by Abraham Lincoln in 1862:
“We are sending such regiments and dribs from here and Baltimore as we can spare to Harper’s Ferry”.
Drab meaning "a small sum of money" dates from the early 1800s.
piecemeal, bit by bit
Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:
"He still owes me a lot of money, which I'll only get paid back in DRIBS AND DRABS."