
to remove someone from one's social network


defriend = jmd. in einem sozialen Netzwerk die Freundschaft kündigen --- GOOGLE INDEX defriend: approximately 60,000 Google hits



Users will be able to limit news from those annoying people who aren't so annoying that you don't necessarily want to take the ultimate step and DEFRIEND them.


The hit film "The Social Network" was DEFRIENDED from the Top 10 list after six weekends.


Did you


- to remove someone from your Livejournal, MySpace, Facebook, or other social networking site

(Urban Dictionary)

According to the Global Language Monitor (GLM), an association of academics that tracks the use of new words, the English language reached 1,000,000 words on June 10, 2009. The word was Web 2.0, a technical term meaning the next generation of World Wide Web products and services.

In the run up to this momentous event "defriend" had the honour of being word number 999,989. Defriend, also referred to as "unfriend", is the sometimes unfriendly act of removing someone from one of your social network lists.

It's the modern-day equivalent of telling someone that you no longer want to be their friend. Instead of communicating this message face-to-face, now it can be done with the click of a mouse.

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"People who don't want to be defriended, shouldn't join FaceBook!"

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