cutlery = das Besteck
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Sheffield is famous as an industrial city, once known as the capital of the world for steel, CUTLERY and toolmaking.
(BBC News)
--- Ecoware disposable CUTLERY made of birch wood is compostable and economical.
(New York Times)
Did you know?
cutlery noun
- knives, forks and spoons used for eating food
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
--- Cutlery Crime
In 2004, an investigation by a daily Russian newspaper revealed that cutlery thieves were targeting the State Duma, the lower house of parliament. The reports said thefts of cutlery and crockery from the parliament's canteens and bars had grown in recent months. The thieves were never identified - and the problem was so serious that plastic teaspoons started appearing, in the absence of metal ones.
Some of the MP's believed that the thefts were the work of outsiders. One of them said that it is not MPs who are to blame, but the guests they invite into the building.
He suggested that in the absence of a souvenir shop, many of them simply help themselves to some of the Russian parliament's finest tableware.
(source: BBC News)
silverware, flatware, hollowware, tableware
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"It's a tough decision, my wife wants new cutlery, I want a new flat-screen television."