
a set of beliefs


creed = Bekenntnis, Überzeugung, Glaube, Credo --- GOOGLE INDEX creed: approximately 42,000,000 Google hits



Immersing himself in books, science was his CREED. The voracious thirst for knowledge and advancement marked him out from childhood.

(BBC News)

Startups' New CREED: Patent First, Prototype Later

(BusinessWeek magazine)

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- a set of beliefs that influences the way you live

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Creed derives from the Latin credo, which means "I believe," because the Latin translation of the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed, two of Christianity's most important professions of faith, both begin with this word. A creed therefore may also be called a credo.

Islam also has a creed called the Shahadah, with the proclamation –"There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is Allah's messenger." Taking this creed is one of the five pillars of Islam.

Creed can be used to describe any set of beliefs or principles, religious or otherwise. A football coach may adhere to a creed of "defence first" for instance. Many large companies have a creed, which is a statement that essentially defines the underlying principles by which the company operates.

Some creeds are short and simple, such as a Japanese company that adheres to the 3S principle: speed, service, superiority. Other companies have creeds long enough to fill several pages. Whether brief or detailed, a creed is only good if the words are backed up with deeds of course.


belief, conviction, credo, doctrine, ideology, motto, tenet

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"My creed is, live every day to the fullest!"

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