
those who ignore health advice about Covid-19


covidiots = Menschen, die während der Covid-19-Pandemie Reisewarnungen ignorieren oder Empfehlungen zum Abstandhalten vernachlässigen oder, im Gegenteil, Panik machen und unnötige Hamsterkäufe vornehmen



Tone-deaf Kim Kardashian has just crowned herself the COVIDIOT Queen.

Madonna, for instance, thinks it’s fine to film a video musing on the “democratic” and equalising nature of the virus while sitting in a milky bath full of rose petals; and Kim Kardashian decided that what the world really needs right now is a nine-tweet rant about Taylor Swift.

The Telegraph

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covidiot (neologism = new word)

Relating to the 2020 Covid-19 virus:

- Someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety

- A person who hoards goods, denying them from their neighbors

The Urban Dictionary

Other potential covidiots include people who fall for crackpot coronavirus hoaxes and potentially dangerous myths flooding the internet.


We can thank The Urban Dictionary for coining the perfect term for panic buyers and those who fail to practice proper preventative measures amid the coronavirus pandemic: COVIDIOT.

This expression — a play on the disease’s official name, COVID-19, and the word idiot — has since gone viral on social media.

Recent examples of COVIDIOCY:

Last week, a bunch of college COVIDIOTS packed Florida beaches for the spring break and partied aboard a Bahamian cruise ship despite public health officials pleading for people to implement social distancing and self-isolation.

Australian COVIDIOCY sufferers recently made headlines for fighting over bathroom tissue at supermarkets.

Oregon police have been pleading with its citizens to stop dialing 911 to complain about purported toilet paper shortages. Currently, there is no evidence that panic-buying TP is a rational response to the pandemic.

A big thanks to Harald H. for suggesting today's OWAD!

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