Commercial Off-The-Shelf


COTS = engl. Abk. für commercial off-the-shelf, handelsübliche Massenware, kommerzielle Serienfertigungen --- GOOGLE INDEX COTS: approximately 22,500,000 Google hits



COTS technologies could increase fuel efficiency by up to 30%

(BusinessWeek magazine)

CDW-G is one of five awardees providing COTS AV systems equipment to the Department of Defense and federal civilian agencies.


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- commercial off-the-shelf

COTS describes ready-made products that can easily be obtained. The term is often used in U.S. military procurement specifications. Short for commercial off-the-shelf, COTS also refers to software or hardware products that are ready-made and available for sale to the general public.

Microsoft Office is a COTS product that is a packaged software solution for businesses for instance. COTS products are designed to be implemented easily into existing systems without the need for customization. They are typically less expensive than custom-developed software.

This is because significant investment costs are sunk into creating COTS software, which makes it more reliable for mass consumption. Custom-developed software is often expensive and unreliable when compared with COTS products because it is developed from scratch with a limited budget and in a short amount of time.

Other "off-the-shelf" abbreviations that one might read about occasionally are:

- MOTS = military off the shelf

- GOTS = government off the shelf

- NOTS = not off the shelf

(sources:, Wikipedia)

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"COTS solutions are fast and economic, but not tailored to your business."

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