corny = abgedroschen, kitschig
corny: approximately 14,000,000 Google hits
Like Norman Rockwell, he elevates everyday Americans with somewhat CORNY portrayals that are more interesting as images than as art objects.
(New York Times)
--- But I like the industry. It’s CORNY to say, but there are great people, and I like the creative aspects of the business.
(The Guardian)
Did you know?
corny adjective
- without freshness or appeal because of overuse
(American Heritage Dictionary)
--- Corny is one of those concepts that is relative. Today, a 1940s musical starring Fred Astair may seem outdated to some. To others though, the film is accepted and enjoyed for what it is: simple entertainment that does not require much energy or a high intellect to enjoy.
Corny can be relative in the business world too. When a CEO addresses the employees and talks about things like teamwork, hard work and commitment, some might think that these are self-evident concepts that require no mention. For others however, these things should not be taken for granted and are never outdated.
The term corny derives from the idea of something that appeals to country folk, meaning something old-fashioned or sentimental. It's an American term in origin, where corn is one of the country's most important crops. A synonymous term that surfaced around the same time that corny first appeared in the 1930s is "corn-fed," as in farm animals that are fed corn.
banal, dull, hackneyed, mawkish, old-fashioned, sentimental, shop-worn, tired, warmed over
--- SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation
"The presentation was a bit corny, but accurate."
--- Thanks to Carolin for suggesting today's word!