corner the market

to control a business market


corner the market = den Markt beherrschen --- How important is this English word? corner the market: 219,000 Google Hits



High Street travel agents have yet to CORNER THE MARKET in the field of travel for disabled people……….

(adapted from a BBC Online article)

If a few of the most promising open projects don't get sustainable funding, the big companies will CORNER THE MARKET with wireless network solutions.

(adapted from a article)

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corner the market
idiomatic phrase

1. To become so successful at selling or making a particular product that almost no one else sells or makes it.

(Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms © Cambridge University Press 1998)

2. To control the supply or sale of a particular product.

(Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms © Cambridge University Press 2003)

This phrase is derived from the expression “to corner someone” or “to put someone in a corner”, which means to place someone in a difficult position in which there is no easy way out.

These phrases likely originated from the boxing tactic of forcing an opponent into a corner of the ring.

Thus to corner a market is to have almost complete control of it. In one of the most famous instances of this business strategy, the billionaire Hunt family in Texas tried to corner the silver market in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

The market eventually collapsed, the Hunt family declared bankruptcy and was charged with manipulation, resulting in huge losses for many investors.

control the market, dominate the market, conquer a market, monopolise the market

say something like:

“With this new product we should be in a great position to corner the market.”

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