conscientious objector

a person who refuses military service for moral or religious reasons


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The main issue is whether or not someone who volunteered to serve in the military is entitled to declare CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR status versus someone who was drafted by their government.

(BBC News)

He had a keen political consciousness, leading him to become a CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR during the Second World War, for which he was imprisoned for several months in 1943.

(The Guardian)

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conscientious objector
noun phrase

- a person who refuses to work in the armed forces for moral or religious reasons

(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


A conscientious objector is someone who opposes using weapons or who objects to any type of military training and service. Some conscientious objectors refuse to submit to any of the procedures of being drafted into military service. Although all objectors take their position on the basis of conscience, they may have varying religious, philosophical, or political reasons for their beliefs.

Conscientious objection to military service has existed in some form since the beginning of the Christian era and has, for the most part, been associated with religious beliefs against military activities. It developed as a doctrine of the Mennonites in various parts of Europe in the 16th century, of the Society of Friends in England in the 17th century, and of the Church of the Brethren and of the Dukhobors in Russia in the 18th century.

Throughout history, governments have been generally unsympathetic toward individual conscientious objectors; their refusal to accept military service has been treated like any other violation of the law. Boxing great Muhammad Ali registered as a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War based on his Muslim beliefs. Although found guilty of a federal crime, the U.S. Supreme Court eventually overturned the decision. He did however lose his boxing license and championship titles for a number of years.

Conscientious objectors are also referred to as "draft dodgers" (draft is the act of selecting someone for military service and dodge means to avoid). This term is generally used in a negative context.

(sources: Encyclopedia Britannica)

"In some countries, conscientious objectors have to perform some type of community service as an alternative to serving in the military."

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